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Buying the Right Classroom Disinfection Products

Not all disinfection products work equally. Thus, choosing the right classroom disinfection products is equally important as adhering to a classroom cleaning checklist to ensure you effectively keep your classroom clean and safe.

Essential Classroom Cleaning Checklist and Cleaning Products

A clean and hygienic classroom environment is paramount for creating a good learning space for students. An unclean classroom affects the health and well-being of students and teachers through the spread of germs and bacteria, potentially causing illnesses and absences.

Essential Classroom Cleaning Checklist and Cleaning Products

A clean and hygienic classroom environment is paramount for creating a good learning space for students. An unclean classroom affects the health and well-being of students and teachers through the spread of germs and bacteria, potentially causing illnesses and absences.

Factors to Consider When Buying Office Cleaning Products

Maintaining a clean and healthy workplace is imperative for promoting productivity, creating a positive work environment, and guaranteeing the business’s success.

How To Clean and Sanitize Your Restaurant In 5 Easy Steps

It is more important now than ever to have a clean and sanitized restaurant for your diners. Especially since the Covid-19, diners need reassurance that it is safe to eat in restaurants.

How To Clean and Sanitize Your Restaurant In 5 Easy Steps

It is more important now than ever to have a clean and sanitized restaurant for your diners. Especially since the Covid-19, diners need reassurance that it is safe to eat in restaurants.

How to Manage Office Cleaning Products and Maintain an Inventory

Maintaining a clean and healthy workplace is important to the success of any business. Not only does it promote employee health and well-being, but it also improves productivity and boosts morale.

Restaurant Cleaning Products Buying Guide

If you’re a restaurant owner, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is important to the success of your business. To ensure this success, you need to invest in high-quality restaurant cleaning products that are safe, effective, and environment-friendly.

Restaurant Cleaning Products Buying Guide

If you’re a restaurant owner, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is important to the success of your business. To ensure this success, you need to invest in high-quality restaurant cleaning products that are safe, effective, and environment-friendly.

Restaurant Deep Cleaning: Buying the Right Products

Adequate restaurant cleaning can play a big role in customer experience, staff health and in helping to prevent any penalties from health/safety authorities. Investing in restaurant deep cleaning products and adhering to food and safety standards help you and your staff prevent cross-contamination and the spread of viruses and bacteria and keep your entire restaurant spick-and-span!

Ultimate School Cleaning At Value: Buying Cleaning Products In Bulk

Cleaning at scale and value in a school is important for promoting a healthy and safe learning environment. Cleanliness enhances the school's overall appearance and helps prevent students from getting sick, missing school, or experiencing negative impacts on their grades.

Ultimate School Cleaning At Value: Buying Cleaning Products In Bulk

Cleaning at scale and value in a school is important for promoting a healthy and safe learning environment. Cleanliness enhances the school's overall appearance and helps prevent students from getting sick, missing school, or experiencing negative impacts on their grades.

Classroom Cleaning Checklist: For A Safe & Hygienic Learning Environment

Classrooms are the epicenter of learning, where today’s young minds are molded into tomorrow’s thinkers. But unfortunately, they are also one of the dirtiest places, harboring an unimaginable amount of dust, dirt, grime, germs, bacteria, and viruses due to high levels of human exposure.

Restaurant cleaning: The necessary art of protecting diners and staff

Hunger has the power to change our decisions and make us go places. Places like restaurants that are ready to serve delicious dishes and jolly good drinks.

Restaurant cleaning: The necessary art of protecting diners and staff

Hunger has the power to change our decisions and make us go places. Places like restaurants that are ready to serve delicious dishes and jolly good drinks.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Guide for Hospitals To Protect Patients and Staff

A thorough, effective, and frequent cleaning and disinfection routine even in non-critical hospital areas, such as reception, corridors, and doctor’s consulting rooms will help in maintaining a safe environment for patients and staff.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Schools For Effective Infection & Disease Control

Clean and safe schools are important for a hygienic learning experience. However, with an increase in the number of densely populated areas and quick and easy spread of germs and bacteria, controlling infections and diseases from spreading in schools can be difficult and, in some cases, near impossible.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Schools For Effective Infection & Disease Control

Clean and safe schools are important for a hygienic learning experience. However, with an increase in the number of densely populated areas and quick and easy spread of germs and bacteria, controlling infections and diseases from spreading in schools can be difficult and, in some cases, near impossible.

8 Easy Ways Small Restaurants Can Draw Diners Again

A survey conducted for the food and beverages industry in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in 2020 post the COVID-19 pandemic, found 52 percent of respondents in the United Arab Emirates stating that they were going to dine out less frequently than they used to1.

Protect Your Business And Raise Customer Confidence With The Trusted Hygiene Brand

Increase customer confidence, protect your employees, and reduce significant business risks, by deploying the Dettol PRO Solutions Programme. With its brand power, standard setting expertise, 99.9%1 efficacy in...

Protect Your Business And Raise Customer Confidence With The Trusted Hygiene Brand

Increase customer confidence, protect your employees, and reduce significant business risks, by deploying the Dettol PRO Solutions Programme. With its brand power, standard setting expertise, 99.9%1 efficacy in...

Do You Know The Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing, And Disinfecting?

Though the terms may seem interchangeable, there’s a big difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. We're breaking it down and explaining why it’s important to know the difference so you can help keep your business protected and truly clean.

Hotels Must Cease The Dangerous Trend Of Hygiene Theater

In these uncertain times, hotels must cease the dangerous trend of ‘hygiene theater’ and adopt an effective, sustainable, cost effective and risk-based approach to hygiene interventions. Businesses such as hotels can play a critical role in helping to limit the spread...

Hotels Must Cease The Dangerous Trend Of Hygiene Theater

In these uncertain times, hotels must cease the dangerous trend of ‘hygiene theater’ and adopt an effective, sustainable, cost effective and risk-based approach to hygiene interventions. Businesses such as hotels can play a critical role in helping to limit the spread...

An Office Cleaning Checklist To Tick Off Your Worries

Take charge of your office cleaning with our checklist to deliver a protected, disinfected, and sparkling clean working environment – staff will thank you for the improved productivity, increased confidence and morale, and potentially fewer sick days!

Reduce Top Business Risks with Dettol PRO Solutions

The pandemic has prevented many of us from working together in person and we long the peace and community bond of working again in the office, away from home distractions, but with the assurance of the hygiene that our own homes give us.

Reduce Top Business Risks with Dettol PRO Solutions

The pandemic has prevented many of us from working together in person and we long the peace and community bond of working again in the office, away from home distractions, but with the assurance of the hygiene that our own homes give us.

Office Hotspot guide – find and protect

Germs can play hide and seek in workplaces. Find them all and protect your clients and employees with the right products in the right spots.

Food Service and Retail Hotspot guide- find and protect

Food service and retail businesses require an extra level of germ protection to ensure trusted quality of cleaning with the right products. Check if you have all the spots covered.

Hospitality Hotspot guide – find and protect

Meeting the service and hygiene expectations of your guests can make all the difference to your business. Here's a 3-minute check to see if you have got them protected on all key spots.

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